Nick Didkovsky «Ice Cream Time»
Nick Didkovsky Komposition, E-Gitarre, und Elektronik
Thomas Dimuzio Live-Elektronik
ARTE Quartett Saxophone
Das Projekt «Ice cream time» sucht sich einen energiegeladenen Weg zwischen notierten Partituren, Konzepten und freien Improvisationen und nutzt das Spannungsfeld zwischen den analogen Saxophonsounds und den elektronischen Klängen von Nick Didkovsky und Thomas Dimuzio. Die Musik sprengt musikalische Grenzen, verbindet die Energie der Rock Musik mit komplexen Rhythmen, explosiven Improvisationen und wilden Klanglandschaften. Didkovsky und Dimuzio fangen mit selbst entwickelter Soft- und Hardware die Klänge des ARTE Quartetts ein, verarbeiten sie live und reichern sie elektronisch an.
Uraufführung: 11.04.2003, Liestal (CH)
CD: «Ice Cream Time» New World Records / 2007
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Nick Didkovsky «Ice Cream Time»
Nick Didkovsky Composition, guitar and electronics
Thomas Dimuzio Live-electronics
ARTE Quartett Saxophones
The project «Ice cream time» is an energetic mixture between composed sections, concepts and improvisation, as well as playing with the sounds of the acoustic saxophone and the electronic sounds of Nick Didkovsky and Thomas Dimuzio. This music breaks musical boundaries, combines the energy of rock music with complex rhythms, explosive improvisation and wild sound worlds. Didkovsky and Dimuzio capture ARTE Quartetts’ sound with their own specifically designed soft- and hardware, develop and enrichen it.
world premiere: 11.04.2003, Liestal (CH)
CD: «Ice Cream Time» New World Records / 2007
For concert requests please contact us at
«Der differenzierte Klang- und Stilmix wirkte inspiriert, war klug und energiegeladen. Das ARTE Quartett zeigte sich auf der Höhe der Aufgabe. Fünf Viertelstunden dauerte das Stück. Eine konzentrierte, kompakte, von der Spannung her nie erlahmende Wiedergabe. Das Publikum blieb lange sitzen – ganz in sich gekehrt.»
Paul Schorno, Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 27.11.2008
«Over the course of twenty minutes the music, which initially evoked images of dawn breaking, gradually began to fade, along with the lights, for an ending that was all the more potent for its use of space and hypnotic, trance-inducing tranquility. Another highlight of FIMAV 2008, Ice Cream Time proved that silence and economy can be equally powerful partners to sonic extremes and complexity.»
John Kelman, All about Jazz, 22.05.2008
«Didkovsky’s sextet is rounded out by signal processor Thomas and the ARTE Quartett, comprised of saxophonists Beat Hofstetter, Sascha Armbruster, Andrea Formenti and Beat Kappeler – which is conducive for creating shimmering auroras and iridescent drones that have stand-alone integrity and don’t necessary have to be heard within the context of an overarching intricate structure.»
Bill Shoemaker, Moment’s Notice, 01.2008
«Ein gewisses rockiges Feeling vertrug sich auffallend gut mit dem Klang des Saxophon-Quartetts. Wer, wie leider üblich, eine wild über alles herfallende Live-Elektronik erwartet hatte, sah sich glücklicherweise getäuscht: Immer blieb sie Teil des Ganzen ohne sich dieses anzueignen. Auch der – in seiner fast naiven Schönheit und in seinem Schwelgen in Klangfarben an «in a Silent Way» von Joe Zavinul/Miles Davis erinnernde Schlussteil schuf einen ganz eigenen Zeit-Raum, der die ganze Komposition noch einmal aufbrach und öffnete.»
Peter Baumgartner, Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 14.04.2003
«Over the course of twenty minutes the music, which initially evoked images of dawn breaking, gradually began to fade, along with the lights, for an ending that was all the more potent for its use of space and hypnotic, trance-inducing tranquility. Another highlight of FIMAV 2008, Ice Cream Time proved that silence and economy can be equally powerful partners to sonic extremes and complexity.»
John Kelman, All about Jazz, 22.05.2008
«Didkovsky’s sextet is rounded out by signal processor Thomas and the ARTE Quartett, comprised of saxophonists Beat Hofstetter, Sascha Armbruster, Andrea Formenti and Beat Kappeler – which is conducive for creating shimmering auroras and iridescent drones that have stand-alone integrity and don’t necessary have to be heard within the context of an overarching intricate structure.»
Bill Shoemaker, Moment’s Notice, 01.2008
«Nick’s writing for the sax quartet is spirited, fun and his guitar fits in just right. “Calm” is just that, with long hushed drones for the saxes, that is quite lovely. The final section, “Rise” is long and most impressive. It begins with more somber sax drones that are rich and haunting and build exquisitely in cautious layers that both fascinating and a bit unnerving, just like life itself.»
BLG, Downtown Music Gallery, 12.10.2007